Wynn Las Vegas Magazine by MODERN LUXURY

Wynn - 2012 - Issue 3 - Winter

Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas

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S teve Wynn has partnered once again with Mark Fuller, a fountain genius and CEO of WET Design, to make the Performance Lake at Wynn Macau better than ever. The creative duo joined forces years ago to design the Fountains of Bellagio. Now Wynn and WET have taken the opportunity to create something even more magical for Wynn's fountain in Macau. "Everything gets better in life," Fuller says. "With new technology, we have created the most spectacular color performance for Macau—far more exuberant than anything we've ever done." Beneath the surface of the Performance Lake, there are now 1,500 colored LED lights that are not only more bold and colorful, but actually use less energy than the previous lights. The energy-efficient lights create dramatic colors from intense blues to crimson reds and vivid gold. "We just saturate that fountain with these spectacular colors now," says Fuller. WET also doubled the number of vertical jets, or Shooters, which can send water to heights of 60 to 70 feet or higher. The lights maintain spectral intensity that shows off the graceful, almost humanlike movements of the streams. Fuller and Steve Wynn himself select the songs, show tunes, and classical music that cause the fountains to undulate, ebb and flow, and explode. "There needs to be a great range of music, with low points and high points, to develop a visual story," Fuller says. "Mr. Wynn has a fantastic ear for music." The Performance Lake also combines water and fire for jaw- "This type of lighting makes every drop sparkle like it's a jewel in the air."—WET Design CEO Mark Fuller dropping results. And of course Macau loves color, so the hues of the Performance Lake had to be bold; Wynn Macau's fountain is the first in the world to showcase color of this magnitude. The fountain also features mist generated from streams choreographed to collide with sprays or adapt to winds. "We added new 'oarsmen,' the underwater robots that stream the water," says Fuller, a former Disney "Imagineer" who founded WET Design in 1983. "We developed one that has a fan on it for a lovely, feminine movement." The shapes formed by the new fan oarsmen, says Fuller, "lend a sense of grace that allows us to choreograph water movements to music that would have been harder to interpret before." Popular Chinese songs such as Teresa Teng's "The Moon Represents My Heart" and "Strut Through Love" by Sally Yeh have been added to the repertoire of fountain songs, which also include Frank Sinatra's "Luck Be a Lady" and Johann Strauss's "Blue Danube," which is now enhanced by sparks of water that shimmer like gems as they fall to the surface. "This type of lighting makes every drop sparkle like it's a jewel in the air," says Fuller. "I would say that this is now the grandest colored-music fountain on the planet." n 新高的矚目點 欢将任何事情都做得尽善尽美,现在他 新的挑战 — 设计永利澳门的表演湖。 W_F_Macau_Winter13.indd 67 創新高的矚目點 史蒂夫·永利喜欢将任何事情都做得尽善尽美,现在他 又开始迎接一项新的挑战 — 设计永利澳门的表演湖。 作者: Matt Kelemen 史 蒂夫·永利再次与马克·富勒(Mark Fuller ,WET CEO)合作,希望 为永利澳门打造出精美绝伦的表演湖。 两人曾在几年前设计贝拉吉奥(Bellagio) 喷泉时进行过创意合作。现在,永利和 WET 利用这次合作机会,打算为澳门设计更加神奇美丽的喷泉。"生活 中的一切都将变得更美好,"富勒说:"我们利用新技术,已经为澳 门打造出最壮观的色彩表演 — 比我们之前设计的喷泉更加华丽 精彩。" 在表演湖的水面下,有 1500 个新的 LED 彩灯。这些灯的设计更 加大胆,而且色彩也更明亮醒目,但实际上却比以前更省电。这些节 能灯制造出从深蓝、深红到亮金色等千变万化的色彩。"我们使这个 喷泉富于各种华丽色彩。"富勒说。 WET 还将垂直喷嘴的数量增加了一倍,这些喷射头可将水喷射到 60 至 70 英尺的高度。这些强光谱劲彩灯展现出如舞者般婀娜多姿的 喷泉水流。 富勒和史蒂夫·永利亲自挑选流行歌曲、表演乐曲和古典音 乐,喷泉随着这些音乐的节奏左右摆动、高低起伏并在空中洒开。 "这需要很多既有高潮又有低潮的音乐,从而展现出生动形象的故 事,"富勒说:"永利先生对音乐有很强的欣赏能力。" 表演湖也将水与火结合在一起,制造出令人瞠目结舌的效果。 澳门是一个浓墨重彩的城市,因此表演湖的用色非常大胆。永利澳 门的喷泉是世界上第一座色彩如此恢弘的喷泉。 这个喷泉还以喷雾为特色,水流经精心设计与水花撞击或经风吹 而生成雾气。"我们增加了新的'oarsmen',就是可以喷出水流的 水下机器人,"富勒(曾为迪士尼的"幻想工程师",于 1983 年创 建了 WET 公司)说:"我们设计了一个带风扇的喷泉,这样就可以 让水流像温柔可爱的女人般扭动婀娜的身姿。" 喷泉的各种水流造型均由这种新的风扇 oarsmen 形成。富勒说: "我们使水流伴随着以前难以用喷泉诠释的音乐翩翩起舞,给人一种 优雅感。"诸如邓丽君的《月亮代表我的心》和叶倩文的《潇洒走一 回》等广受欢迎的中文歌曲已经增加到喷泉歌曲的曲目中,其中还包 括弗兰克·辛纳屈的《女人真幸运》和小约翰·施特劳斯的《蓝色多 瑙河》。当水花落到水面上发出宝石般的光芒时,这些歌曲显得更加 优美动听了。 "这种类型的灯光使每一滴水都闪闪发光,就像空中熠熠生辉的 明珠,"富勒说:"我想说,这是地球上最壮丽的彩色音乐喷泉。" Design 公司的喷泉设计天才兼 永利澳门的表演湖以 1500 个 LED 彩灯为 特色 。 WYNN 67 12/13/12 5:19 PM

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