ML - Boston Common

Boston Common - 2016 - Issue 1 - Spring - Naomi Watts

Boston Common - Niche Media - A side of Boston that's anything but common.

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OUT-OF- THE-BOX BLACK Tough chic mingles wiTh sofTer silhoueTTes all noir long… on left: Blazer ($228), tank top ($95), trousers ($245), and sandals ($228), Michael Kors. Neiman Marcus, Copley Place, 617-536-3660; on right: Dress ($2,950) and ankle boots ($1,750), Céline. Barneys New York, Copley Place, 617-385-3300; SPRING FEVER Bold! daring! disTincTive! The season's Boundary-Breaking Trends are making us high! PHOTOGRAPHY bY bONNIE HOLLAND STYLING bY LISA LUPO 98

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