Austin Way Magazine - GreenGale Publishing - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.
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A New Kind Of PHARMACY OLD KIND OF VALUES HE A L T H & W E L L N E S S G U I D E : S P E C I A L A D V E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N he Pharmacy That Delivers To You, No Matter Where You Are…and we do it with a SMILE. Healthcare has become complicated and hard to navigate. So we simplified it for you. No more sitting in traffic or standing in lines. Just tell your doctor, "E-scribe my prescription to Manor Pharma- cy." We do the rest. Imagine this… No more pharmacy lines. With the click of button, your doctor sends your prescription directly to us. We call you with any questions, fill it, and deliver it. It really is that simple. And once you're set up in our system we even main- tain your refills. Did we say we offer free delivery? We do! Who will we deliver to? You. Mom. Dad. Granny. Gramps. Dogs. Cats. Even your pet pig. Rain Or Shine! And we do it for FREE because we really do care. T We offer: Specialty Compounding, Retail, Biodentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Veterinary Medicine, HIV, Cosmetics, Med-Sync, Medication Therapy Management, Patient Copay Assistance Program(s) MANOR PHARMACY TEL: (512) 642-8000 FAX: (512) 642-8001 WWW.MANORPHARMACYCARES.COM PRESS CONTACT: ROWDY STOVALL ROWDY@MYMANORPHARMACY.COM