ML - Vegas Magazine

2012 - Issue 5 - September

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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"Hoover Dam!" Janice V., Las Vegas, NV "Caesars Palace 4th of July Fireworks!" Jeff B., Las Vegas, NV Share your best shot! Visit and upload a photograph to share your view of Las Vegas with other Vegas readers. You can also tag your snapshots to Vegas Magazine* on Facebook (don't forget to "Like" us) or get in on the conversation on Twitter @VegasMagazine using hashtag #VegasShots. Your photos could be featured as an inspiration in the future pages of our magazine! SCAN THIS CODE ON YOUR SMARTPHONE TO SEE WHAT OTHERS ARE SHARING. *Tagging not available via Facebook mobile app.

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