ML - Vegas Magazine

2012 - Issue 5 - September

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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A MAN BET ON HORSES AND CHANGED WATCHMAKING FOREVER. 190 YEARS AGO In 1821, Nicolas Rieussec changed watchmaking forever with the invention of the first chronograph. Today, the Montblanc TimeWalker Chronograph Automatic is a tribute to 190 years of the chronograph's technical evolution. 43 mm stainless steel case, skelleted horns and sapphire crystal back, black calfskin strap with white stitching. Crafted in the Montblanc Manufacture in Le Locle, Switzerland. the forum shops at caesars • the shoppes at the palazzo • VISIT AND SHOP MONTBLANC.COM

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