ML - Boston Common


Boston Common - Niche Media - A side of Boston that's anything but common.

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JANICE O'LEARY editor-in-chief managing editor DANINE ALATI art Director HAMILTON HEDRICK senior Fashion and accessories editor AMANDA WEINER Fashion and beauty editor VISHAKA ROBINSON entertainment editor JULIE BENSMAN Photo editor SETH OLENICK copy editor JENNIFER DEMERITT Research editor LEANNE PHILIP assistant editor JESSICA LANIEWSKI editorial assistant KAITLIN CLARK art senior art Director FRYDA LIDOR associate art Directors ANASTASIA TSIOUTAS CASALIGGI, ADRIANA GARCIA, JESSICA SARRO senior Designer JENNIFER LEDBURY Designer GIL FONTIMAYOR senior Digital imaging specialist JEFFREY SPITERY Digital imaging specialist JEREMY DEVERATURDA Digital imaging assistant HTET SAN faShioN Fashion Director LAURIE BROOKINS associate Fashion and accessories editor ALISON ROWE Fashion and accessories assistant HILLARY BARBAKOFF Fashion assistant VALERIA BOUCAS Photo Photo Director LISA ROSENTHAL BADER Photo editors LAUREN EISENBERG, ELIZABETH HAZARD, JODIE LOVE associate Photo editor LORAINE PAVICH Photo coordinator KIMBERLY RIORDAN coPy aNd reSearch manager, copy and Research TOM GOTTLIEB senior copy editor WENDIE PECHARSKY copy editors JULIA STEINER Research editors MEGHAN BLALOCK, CHRIS BUONINCONTRI, JOSEPHINE CUSUMANO, JANE KELLOGG timepiece editor ROBERTA NAAS shelter and Design editor SUE HOSTETLER Food editor at Large VICTORIA ABBOTT RICCARDI Libations editor at Large BRANDY RAND oNliNe online managing editor CAIT ROHAN assistant online editor APRIL WALLOGA online Producer MICHAEL KWAN assistant online Producer ANNA BEN YEHUDA techNology network engineer MOHAMMED HANNAN Desktop support specialist RICHARD DACHTERA Regional manager, system support ALBERTO ELVIRA Niche Media holdiNgS, llc Director, editorial Finance and operations ERIK A. NETCHER executive editors CATHERINE SABINO, MATTHEW STEWART executive managing editor DEBORAH L. MARTIN creative Director NICOLE A. WOLFSON NADBOY editorial Director MANDI NORWOOD Copyright 2012 by Niche Media Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved. Boston Common magazine is published six times a year. Reproduction without permission of the publisher is prohibited. The publisher and editors are not responsible for unsolicited material and it will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication subject to Boston Common magazine's right to edit. Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, photographs and drawings. To order a subscription, please call 866.891.3144. For customer service, please inquire at To distribute Boston Common at your business, please e-mail Greenspun Media Group: 2360 Corporate Circle, Third Floor, Henderson, NV 89074 T: 702.990.2500 F: 702.383.1089 Boston Common magazine is published by Niche Media Holdings, LLC, a subsidiary of Greenspun Media Group. 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