ML - Boston Common


Boston Common - Niche Media - A side of Boston that's anything but common.

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FRESH INGREDIENTS, FRESH taste B26721 N(: <25. C+,&$*2 A7/$17$ D(19(5 D$//$6 A867,1 HOUSTON Single, Succesful... Simply Too Busy? Kelleher International continues to set the standard for matchmaking... Established 26 years ago, we are a IDPLO\ RZQHG DQG RSHUDWHG VHDUFK ¿UP providing a personal approach with an extensive network of beautiful women and accomplished men available for you to meet. Picky?... No problem. We work with worldly, educated, attractive men and ZRPHQ ZKR DUH GDWLQJ ¿QH RQ WKHLU own, but simply haven't found "The One." Let us put our expertise and vast network to work for you. 617.861.6105 Awarded Top Global Matchmaker 2010 & 2011 making love happen... since 1986 Jill Kelleher Mother / Founder Amber Kelleher Daughter / CEO BEVERLY HILLS SAN FRANCISCO SCOTTSDALE L AS VEGAS SEATTLE LA JOLLA LONDON WELLESLEY WESTON MELISSA DAILEY, VP COLDWELL BANKER Recipient of: The International President's Elite Designation Award Top 1% of Coldwell Banker's Sales Associates Internationally 617.699.3922 ©2011 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and operated by NRT, LLC. FULL SERVICE CATERING Private | Corporate | Rentals | Event Management | 617.909.4990 NEEDHAM DOVER

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