ML - Boston Common

2013 - Issue 3 - Summer

Boston Common - Niche Media - A side of Boston that's anything but common.

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T he Guide EAT, DRINK, SHOP, AND UNWIND THE VERY BEST OF salty, and so sweet imbibe: gastropubs acquire: beachside décor relax: seaside yoga PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF WEEKAPAUG INN RHODE ISLAND'S NEWLY RESTORED WEEKAPAUG INN OFFERS RELAXED LUXURY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. O ne of New England's newest beachfront inns, the Weekapaug, opened last fall, and this will be its first summer—but also its 114th. Originally built on the sand in Westerly, Rhode Island, the inn was destroyed in a storm and rebuilt a hundred yards away, with neighbors pitching in to drag the surviving wood boards and furniture to safety on the shore of a salt pond. Owned by one family for generations but taken over by Lang Wheeler and Chuck Royce—the same investor who restored Ocean House— the inn, which is now a historic landmark, retains the intimacy of a summer "camp" that you return to year after year. Staff greets you by name at the door and in the dining room. The beachy simplicity means kids are welcome, and comfort is a priority. A relaxed luxury permeates the resort, from the plush beds to the pool and lounging deck to the suites accessed by private elevator. You can even schedule a session of clamming (and have the chef steam your haul for dinner), then enjoy s'mores at the fire pit. Dining is fine here, with nojacket-required dinners (though shorts and flip-flops are discouraged), a mimosa cart during brunch, and a casual lunch. Tips are included in your resort fee, so there's no reaching for soggy bills in your swimsuit pocket. 25 Spray Rock Road, Westerly, RI, 888-813-7862; BC BOSTONCOMMON-MAGAZINE.COM 121_BC_G_Opener_SUM13.indd 121 121 6/7/13 12:58 PM

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