Boston Common - Niche Media - A side of Boston that's anything but common.
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CLARA PAST AND PRESENT BOSTON'S OLD-SCHOOL HOLIDAY TRADITIONS MEET THEIR MODERN MATCHES. BY FALON MORAN Feeling traditional this season? There's classical ballet galore. Edgy? Whatever your fancies, be you old-school or modern maven, Boston boasts the perfect outing for individu- als and families alike. TRAD: THE NUTCRACKER The pinnacle of classic holiday events, The Nutcracker at the Boston Ballet runs the length of the holiday season at the Boston Opera House. Artistic Director Mikko Nissinen has made it our own with revamped choreography and costumes. 539 Washington St., 617-695-6955; boston RAD: URBAN NUTCRACKER Inclusion, community, and diversity are some of the themes that take center stage at the Urban Nutcracker, directed by Tony Williams. The cutting-edge company will hold a special LGBT performance on December 29 and Autism Sensory Friendly show on December 17. December 16 through December 31. 180 Berkeley St., 617-524-3066; PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROSALIE O'CONNOR Holiday relevé: With a surfeit of activites around town this holiday season, Bostonians have their pick of traditional classics—such as a Boston Ballet performance of The Nutcracker—and their more modern counterparts. SCENE EVERYBODY 'S TALKIN G ABOU T... BOSTONCOMMON-MAGAZINE.COM 45