ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2016 - Issue 3 - Summer - Sush Machida

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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photography courtesy of beauty & essex (drink); life cube (life cube); studio g architecture (ascaya) 114 Burning Man's Life Cube's burns on in Vegas. 120 People in glass houses look at stones in the best of the city's new architecture. on the cover: Sush Machida's Uneri-Zu (2016) 113 You may just feel prettier with the signature cocktail from Beauty & Essex, the Beauty Elixir. 124 // FULL SWING AHEAD It's tee time at Topgolf, MGM Grand's new four-level sports and entertainment complex on steroids. 126 // POWER BUYER Hard-charging mogul Tilman Fertitta is becoming TV's most lovable pragmatist. 128 // CUCINA COUTURE Dolce & Gabbana redefines "cool" with its latest designer collaboration. 130 // SWIPE, UP, AND AWAY! On-demand transportation takes flight with a new generation of mobile apps. 132 // THE GUIDE The best of Las Vegas home décor, hotels, and real estate. LIVING LAS VEGAS 144 // GO, SPEED RACER! This city may place a premium on adrenaline, but racing one of the cars in the largest exotic supercar fleet around the Las Vegas Speedway might just trump all. 18 contents summer 2016

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