ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2016 - Issue 3 - Summer - Sush Machida

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF YIGAL AZROUEL (RUNWAY); BY JORDAN SHOE (JACKET); ANTHONY CUCCULELLI (AZROUEL) SHOW AND TELL BEFORE AN INTIMATE SHOWING OF PIECES FROM HIS LATEST COLLECTIONS AT WYNN COLLECTION, WE CAUGHT UP WITH YIGAL AZROUEL OVER BREAKFAST. BY ANDREA BENNETT It's good to see you in Las Vegas, and making a store appearance. I love to connect with people, and there's nothing like Vegas. People come here to celebrate something, and it all feels luxurious. We'll see some of your pre-fall collection today. How do you treat pre-fall? For pre-fall you have to be careful. I love fur and layers, but how can you wear something like that in Vegas? We treat it super-light, but with fall textures and new techniques. I travel a lot to Italy to produce my own fabric, so you'll see even [laser-cut] lace we developed. The fall collection is about dark and light, using the motif of the black rose. We all have the two sides—for me, there's the dark, but the light is always there. Your clothing has developed a real celebrity following. I'm not about following a trend, or celebrity. You have to stay true to what your aesthetic is. I'm close to Gwyneth Paltrow . A few years ago, I went to her house for breakfast —we had a friend in common—and I started talking to her and she didn't know who I was, and then she went red, and said, "Oh my gosh, I'll show you how many clothes I have of yours. I bought the collection!" I don't make clothes with celebrities in mind—it's more important for me to know the person and her story. . CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Models walk the runway for Yigal Azrouel's Spring/ Summer 2016 show; the structured motorcycle jacket from Spring 2016; Azrouel putting in some final touches on a model at his Fall/ Winter 2016 show: the Contrast Jabot lace-front gown from the Spring/Summer 2016 collection. 68 VEGASMAGAZINE.COM STYLE SPOTLIGHT

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