ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2016 - Issue 3 - Summer - Sush Machida

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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Last year may have been complicated, but when Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato team up in Vegas in August, all we'll be thinking of is Future Now. of Demi's best qualities is the fact that she's fearless and always willing to tell the truth and be honest, in her work and as a person. DEMI LOVATO: I tend to want to rest and be more of a homebody, so I really admire Nick's drive in general and his excitement to go out and explore the cities we go to. What inspired you to found your own label, Safehouse Records? NJ: We kind of looked at each other a couple of years ago and said we each had our own journey with not feeling safe enough to create, and as an artist you have to be vulnerable to do your best work. It's about a community of people feeling comfortable to release things they want to release. DL: Safehouse is about creating an environment in which the artist feels supported emotionally. It feels great to be building that—for us and for other musicians. Has founding Safehouse also made you more confident in your songwriting? DL: I think, as with anything, life experiences inspire songwriting, and a lot has happened in the past few years. NJ: Right—we've both been making music for a long time, and our music has evolved as we have. And especially now with Safehouse, we love being able to have creative control of everything we're doing. It's important for us to be authentic to ourselves in our music. August 13. MGM Grand Garden Arena, 866-740- 7711; .  47

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