ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2016 - Issue 3 - Summer - Sush Machida

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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PHOTOGRAPHY BY MATT BEARD (TEXTURE); LAWRENCE K. HO/LOS ANGELES TIMES VIA GETTY IMAGES (PERFORMER) "THE CHEMISTRY AMONG PAUL MCCARTNEY, RINGO STARR, YOKO ONO, OLIVIA HARRISON, AND THE CAST AND CREW IN VEGAS IS A LOVE STORY IN ITSELF." –DOMINIC CHAMPAGNE LOVE STORY CIRQUE DU SOLEIL'S THE BEATLES LOVE CAPS OFF 10 YEARS IN VEGAS WITH A CREATIVE OVERHAUL. BY TESS EYRICH To hear Dominic Champagne speak about The Beatles Love, you might think he's describing something more akin to a religious awakening than a smash-hit Cirque du Soleil production. Champagne, who co-created the show a decade ago with the Beatles' legendary producer, the late Sir George Martin, and Martin's son Giles, often refers to Love in spiritual terms, describing the show as a "surreal, psychedelic communion" with its circular stage as the altar. As Champagne and Martin ready to toast 10 years of the show this July, its disciples will enjoy a reborn Love enhanced by heightened sound and visual elements—think reworked costumes, hand-drawn projections, and never-before-seen archival footage of the band—as well as an entirely new number choreographed around the Fab Four's 1963 hit "Twist and Shout." Creative evolution might be inevitable, but for Champagne, working with the Beatles' catalog is an undertaking that will never lose its shine. "Their music reflects a great humanity, an adventure people had together," he remarks. "I'm not just saying those guys were the apostles of peace and love in the '60s, but they were part of this great wave of youth, energy, opening horizons, traveling around the world, being chased by girls—all things that continue to make people feel good." The Mirage, 702-792- 7777; . Little darlin'! "Here Comes the Sun" never looked or sounded as good as it does in The Beatles Love at the Mirage. VEGASMAGAZINE.COM 43 SCENE EVERYBODY 'S TALKIN G ABOU T...

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