ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2016 - Issue 3 - Summer - Sush Machida

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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photography courtesy of the artist 89 Sush Machida's forecast: Cloudy with a chance of Pop. FEATURES 89 // ART OF THE CITY In Vegas, artist Sush Machida's brilliantly colored Pop murals and unapologetic East-meets-West fun fusion style put his imprint on the city; in LA, New York, Boston, and beyond, local artists paint the national landscape. 102 // NATIONAL TREASURE Archetypes of equestrian style—hard-wearing jods and haughty jackets juxtaposed with spirited silks and sweet silhou- ettes—continually inspire modern designers, such as Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors, Miu Miu, Brunello Cucinelli, MaxMara (and so many more). That redefined embrace of glamour and guts, we affection- ately call "luxe ranch dressing." SPACE 113 // HELLO, bEAUTY! The hottest new spot in town? Tao Group NYC-import Beauty & Essex at Cosmopolitan. 114 // SPLASH AND bURN Las Vegas looks to Burning Man for some of its most compelling public art pieces. 16 // ZEN EFFECTS Public spaces are finding serenity with the sculptures of Dorit Schwartz. 118 // TEST KITCHEN The city's newest culinary incubator? A dive bar-adjacent kiosk downtown. 120 // MINIMALIST EFFORT In the valley's newest homes, its out with faux Med, and in with real mod. 16 contents summer 2016

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