ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2016 - Issue 3 - Summer - Sush Machida

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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122 RendeRing couRtesy of daniel Joseph chenin ltd.; photogRaphy by luxuRy estates inteRnational (2801 Via tizzoli) Gone are the days of Gilt-covered everythinG, the massive ornate houses that michael Gardner refers to as "stucco-terranean." from top: A minimalist concept in Ascaya by Daniel Joseph Chenin; a bath at 2801 Via Tazzoli by Blue Heron. concrete, brick, wood, and metals," Chenin says. "Their preciseness allows them to be intermixed with one another, but many of their natural properties and variation allow for the unexpected and natural beauty to show through." Custom home firm Blue Heron (, which is also designing at Ascaya, has gone as far as trademarking the term Vegas Modern for the new-school high-end homes it has created in the valley. "Once you go into one of these homes, you fall in love with it, the design, the layout, the indoor-outdoor living," says broker Kamran Zand (, who's done more than a dozen resale deals for Blue Heron homes. "Some I've sold multiple times. These sellers buy and sell and trade up to a bigger home." Ascaya is no doubt betting that its mod squad of home designs attracts big-bankroll buyers. Other architects involved include the renowned Richard Meier ( and Marmol Radziner ( "The clientele in Vegas is getting more sophisti- cated, more design-savvy," Gardner says." Their expectations and the level of design they require is elevated. For the longest time, Las Vegas home design was influenced by Strip architecture, trying to recreate the Mediterranean." Now it's about celebrating Vegas's own gorgeous backdrop. Enjoy the view. . SPACE SURREAL ESTATE

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