ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2016 - Issue 3 - Summer - Sush Machida

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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Page 122 of 147  121 îî this page, from top: Simple desert landscaping is the order of the day, as shown here in this Via Tazzoli home by Blue Heron; clutter is banished in this rendering of a kitchen at Ascaya by architect Henry CJ Hoogland. One of the remarkable features of this bedroom suite at 2801 Via Tazzoli is its view to the desert beyond. Gardner, who designed the first home at Ascaya, capitalized on the high-elevation setting by creating a cantilevered roof structure where the master bedroom is perched above the rest of the house. "There are no columns obstructing the views," he says. "It reinforces the verticality of the house. It gives you this very surreal feeling that you're hanging out over the valley." It's a feeling he describes as so clean and Zen-like, it's like a weight being lifted off your shoulders. And that's something more and more people want in device- driven 2016, when they're overwhelmed with stimuli. "I think our lives are saturated with many things vying for our attention," Hoogland says. "Electronic gadgetry, relentless advertising, and media. For many, minimalist architecture is alluring because it's the absence of all those things." At Ascaya, Hoogland designed a home that capitalizes on the site's spectacular vistas above all else. The entry courtyard with glass on two sides is a graceful reminder that Vegas is all about indoor-outdoor living. Chenin, who recently com- pleted a home at the Ridges (, factors in the microclimate of each particular site when he designs homes and also weaves in natural elements. "I like to incorporate a range of materials that can be extremely precise,but simultane- ously random, such as marble,

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