ML - Michigan Avenue

2014 - Issue 6 - October

Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!

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Page 33 of 147

Rick Feltes Lindsey Buckingham John McDonough Stewart Copeland Scott Goodman Rick Valicenti David Brooks Mandy Patinkin Marty Schiene Bo Skovhus Seth Chapman Kenenisa Bekele Mario Batali Allan Woodrow Jourdan Kurtz Peter Thiel Jim Gaffigan Scott Curcio Ryan Adams Tom Stringer David Gregory B.B. King Thomas Lents Bastille Josh Young Steve Carell Daniel Gillig Larry McMurtry Rocky Morales David Place Fred Latsko Steve Harvey Phil Stefani Michael Belot Nicholas Kristof Deepak Chopra Lou Canellis Carlos Santana Jordan Kirshenbaum Derrick Rose Matt Menna Christopher Frederick Robert Downey Jr. Garry Benson Bill Murray John Baird Vijay Tekchandani Zack Snyder Clark Hulse David Gonzalez J.B. Pritzker Dale Schwartz Roland Liccioni Jon Bon Jovi David Hooks Bill Cosby Michael Peña Stanley Nitzberg Scott Hoskins Matthew Sheridan Robert De Niro Tony Hale Robert Birnecker Johnny Mathis 32 the list October 2014

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