ML - Michigan Avenue

2014 - Issue 6 - October

Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!

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For customer ser vice, please inquire at michiganavenue@pubser To distribute Michigan Avenue at your business, please e-mail Michigan Avenue magazine is published by Niche Media Holdings, LLC., a division of Greengale Publishing, LLC. m ich iga n av e n u e: 50 0 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 140 0, Chicago, IL 60611 T: 312 -753 - 620 0 F: 312 -753 - 6250 n ich e m e di a hol di ngs: 10 0 Church Street, Seventh Floor, New York, N Y 10 0 07 T: 646 - 835 - 520 0 F: 212 -780 - 0 0 03 Advertising Director GRACE NAPOLITANO Account Executives SARAH HECKLER, ERIN SALINS, CAROLINE SNECKENBERG Director of Event Marketing KIMMY WILSON Event Marketing Coordinator BROOKE BIDDLE Sales Coordinator STEPHEN OSTROWSKI DAN USLAN President and Publisher Deputy Editor MEG MATHIS Managing Editor JENNIFER DEMERITT Art Director JESSICA SARRO Photo Editor JODIE LOVE Entertainment and Bookings Editor JULIET IZON Senior Fashion Editor LAUREN FINNEY Copy Editor NICOLE LANCTOT Research Editor AVA WILLIAMS J.P. ANDERSON Editor-in-Chief NICHE MEDIA HOLDINGS, LLC Senior Vice President and Editorial Director MANDI NORWOOD    Vice President of Creative and Fashion ANN SONG Creative Director NICOLE A. WOLFSON NADBOY    Executive Fashion Director SAMANTHA YANKS ART AND PHOTO Senior Art Director FRYDA LIDOR    Associate Art Directors  ANASTASIA TSIOUTAS CASALIGGI, ALLISON FLEMING, ADRIANA GARCIA, JUAN PARRA    Senior Designer NATALI SUASNAVAS Designer SARAH LITZ    Photo Director  LISA ROSENTHAL BADER    Photo Editors  KATHERINE HAUSENBAUER-KOSTER, SETH OLENICK, JENNIFER PAGAN, REBECCA SAHN Senior Staff Photographer JEFFREY CRAWFORD    Senior Digital Imaging Specialist JEFFREY SPITERY    Digital Imaging Specialist  JEREMY DEVERATURDA    Digital Imaging Assistant  HTET SAN FASHION Fashion Editor  FAYE POWER    Fashion Assistants CONNOR CHILDERS, LISA FERRANDINO COPY AND RESEARCH Copy and Research Manager  WENDIE PECHARSKY Copy Editors DAVID FAIRHURST, JULIA STEINER    Research Editors LESLIE ALEXANDER, JAMES BUSS, JUDY DEYOUNG EDITORIAL OPERATIONS Director of Editorial Operations  DEBORAH L. MARTIN    Director of Editorial Relations  MATTHEW STEWART    Editorial Assistant CHRISTINA CLEMENTE Online Executive Editor  CAITLIN ROHAN    Online Editors  ANNA BEN YEHUDA, TRICIA CARR Senior Managing Editors  DANINE ALATI, KAREN ROSE, JILL SIERACKI Managing Editor MURAT OZTASKIN Shelter and Design Editor  SUE HOSTETLER    Timepiece Editor  ROBERTA NA AS ADVERTISING SALES Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing NORMAN M. MILLER Account Directors SUSAN ABRAMS, MICHELE ADDISON, GUY BROWN, CLAIRE CARLIN, KATHLEEN FLEMING, VICTORIA HENRY, KAREN LEVINE, MEREDITH MERRILL, NORMA MONTALVO, ELIZABETH MOORE, JEFFREY NICHOLSON, DEBORAH O'BRIEN, SHANNON PASTUSZAK, MIA PIERRE-JACQUES, VALERIE ROBLES, JIM SMITH    Account Executives SUSANA ARAGON, MICHELLE CHALA, MORGAN CLIFFORD, JANELLE DRISCOLL, ALICIA DRY, VINCE DUROCHER, IRENA HALL, CATHERINE KUCHAR, JULIA MAZUR, FENDY MESY, MARISA RANDALL, MARY RUEGG, LAUREN SHAPIRO, JACKIE VAN METER, JESSICA ZIVKOVITCH, GABRIELLA ZURROW    Advertising Business Manager RICHARD YONG      Sales Support and Development  EMMA BEHRINGER, ANA BLAGOJEVIC, EMILY BURDETT, CRISTINA CABIELLES, BRITTANY CORBETT, JAMIE HILDEBRANDT, DARA HIRSH, KARA KEARNS, KELSEY MARRUJO, MICHELLE MASS, NICHOLE MAURER, RUE MCBRIDE, ELENA SENDOLO, ALEXANDRA WINTER MARKETING, PROMOTIONS, AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations LANA BERNSTEIN    Vice President of Integrated Marketing EMILY MCLINTOCK    Director of Integrated Marketing ROBIN KEARSE Integrated Marketing Manager  JIMMY KONTOMANOLIS    Director of Creative Services SCOTT ROBSON    Promotions Art Designer CARLY RUSSELL Event Marketing Directors  AMY FISCHER, HALEE HARCZYNSKI, MELINDA JAGGER, LAURA MULLEN, JOANNA TUCKER    Event Marketing Managers  ANTHONY ANGELICO, JUDSON BARDWELL, CHRISTIAMILDA CORREA, CRISTINA PARRA    Event Marketing Assistant SHANA KAUFMAN ADVERTISING PRODUCTION Vice President of Manufacturing MARIA BLONDEAUX    Director of Positioning and Planning  SALLY LYON    Positioning and Planning Manager TARA MCCRILLIS Assistant Production Director PAUL HUNTSBERRY    Production Manager BLUE UYEDA    Production Artists ALISHA DAVIS, MARISSA MAHERAS, DARA RICCI Distribution Manager MATT HEMMERLING    Assistant Distribution Relations Manager  JENNIFER PALMER    Fulfillment Manager DORIS HOLLIFIELD      Traffic Supervisor  ESTEE WRIGHT    Traffic Coordinators JEANNE GLEESON, MALLORIE SOMMERS    Circulation Research Specialist  CHAD HARWOOD FINANCE Controller DANIELLE BIXLER    Finance Directors  AUDREY CADY, LISA VASSEUR-MODICA    Director of Credit and Collections CHRISTOPHER BEST Senior Credit and Collections Analyst  MYRNA ROSADO    Senior Billing Coordinator CHARLES CAGLE Senior Accountant  LILY WU    Junior Accountants  KATHY SABAROVA, NEIL SHAH, NATASHA WARREN Accounts Payable Coordinator NADINE DEODATT ADMINISTRATION, DIGITAL, AND OPERATIONS Director of Operations MICHAEL CAPACE    Director of Human Resources STEPHANIE MITCHELL    Executive Assistant ARLENE GONZALEZ Digital Media Developer  MICHAEL KWAN    Digital Producer  ANTHONY PEARSON    Facilities Coordinator JOUBERT GUILLAUME Chief Technology Officer  JESSE TAYLOR    Desktop Administrators ZACHARY CUMMO, EDGAR ROCHE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF SPENCER BECK (Aspen Peak [Acting], Los Angeles Confidential), ANDREA BENNETT (Vegas), KATHY BLACKWELL (Austin Way), KRISTIN DETTERLINE (Philadelphia Style), LISA PIERPONT (Boston Common), CATHERINE SABINO (Gotham), JARED SHAPIRO (Ocean Drive), ELIZABETH E. THORP (Capitol File), SAMANTHA YANKS (Hamptons) PUBLISHERS JOHN M. COLABELLI (Philadelphia Style), LOUIS F. DELONE (Austin Way), DAWN DUBOIS (Gotham), ALEXANDRA HALPERIN (Aspen Peak), DEBRA HALPERT (Hamptons), SUZY JACOBS (Capitol File), GLEN KELLEY (Boston Common), COURTLAND LANTAFF (Ocean Drive), ALISON MILLER (Los Angeles Confidential), JOSEF VANN (Vegas) Managing Partner JANE GALE Chairman and Director of Photography JEFF GALE Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer JOHN P. KUSHNIR Chief Executive Officer KATHERINE NICHOLLS

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