ML - Michigan Avenue

2014 - Issue 6 - October

Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!

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Page 126 of 147

Bachelors in Par adise Boasting exceptional guy-friendly assets, amenities, and aesthetics, these two on-the-market properties are a Bachelor's dream come true. By Lisa skoLnik Rupert Murdoch's new $57.25 million Manhattan penthouse—a bachelor pad now that he's single— boasts 10,160 square feet, soaring ceilings, a spiral staircase, and f loor-to-ceiling windows with sexy city views. The space is raw, and Murdoch is building it out himself, adding millions more to its already heady $5,635-per-square-foot cost. In Chicago, prime luxury pickings for single men are a steal by comparison. Says Berkshire Hathaway KoenigRubloff broker Terri McAuley (312-330-3211; tmcauley@koenigrubloff), This deluxe bachelor pad at The Montgomery offers 14-foot floor-to-ceiling windows to maximize panoramic views. continued on page 126  125 Haute ProPerty News, Stars, and trends in real estate

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