Wynn Las Vegas Magazine by MODERN LUXURY

Wynn Las Vegas - 2017 - Issue 2 - Fall

Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas

Issue link: http://digital.greengale.com/i/867995

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How companies view luxury often influences the way in which they give back. A culture of service is so embedded in Wynn's DNA that it trans- lates seamlessly into ways to serve outside the hotel. For designer Brunello Cucinelli, luxury would not be possible without nurturing his employees as valuable artisans, which is why he has created an entire utopian existence for them in the medieval town of Solomeo in Umbria. As well as capping his employees' work hours, building them a theater and prayer garden, and insisting on a 90-minute lunch to rejuvenate and spend time with family, he pays them more than other design houses. "I wanted to bring dignity back to this trade because I recognize the intrinsic value that it holds for our economy and tradition," he says. "They should feel valued for continuing a tradition that allows us to be special in our field." Fashion houses are finding that they have a special power to be serious patrons of the arts. Consider Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy, the world's largest family of luxury brands. Since LVMH opened its Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris in 2014, it has become an essential part of Europe's contemporary cultural landscape. Its dramatic Frank Gehry-designed glass building is a state-of-the-art public space where LVMH brands have staged fashion shows, performances by the likes of Kanye West and pianist Evgeny Kissin, and now serves as one of Paris's most exciting museum spaces. Established in Milan in 1993, Prada's Fondazione Prada has organized countless art shows in and around that city over the last two decades, and the permanent space it opened in 2014 at Prada's global headquarters is regarded as one of the most significant modern art museums in Italy. Cartier's Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain was created in 1984 to provide exhibition and performance venues for an array of contemporary arts. Supporting a new creative generation is also important to luxury brands. In 2013, LVMH instituted the LVMH Prize, a competition for emerging fashion designers. Winners have included promising design stars Thomas Tait, Simon Porte Jacquemus, and Marta Marques and Paulo Almeida of Marques'Almeida; each year's winner walks home with a 300,000 euro grant. According to Delphine Arnault, Director and Executive Vice President of LVMH, "The LVMH Fashion Designer of the Year will also have a year of coaching with LVMH professionals. It will help them grow their company" —a significant investment that is not only worthwhile but necessary. "We cre- ateD this prize because creativity has always been at the center of everything that we do at LVMH," she says. "It's passion, of course, but it's also a responsi- bility to discover the young designers of tomorrow and help them grow." Luxury brands recognize their global responsibility not only to the fashion world, but also to populations in distress. Each year, the haute watch company IWC releases a special collection of timepieces whose sale supports children's charities around the world. And Cartier created the Cartier Charitable Foundation in 2012 to focus on supporting vulnerable global populations, especially women, with president Pascale de la Frégonnière at the helm—she was previously a fundraising leader for Unicef France. Projects under her leadership have included earthquake emergency assistance in Nepal in 2015, microfinancing loans to Peruvian coffee farmers, and increasing access to healthcare in Senegal and other underserved parts of the world. Whether it's providing world-class space for up-and-coming artists, funding new creative talent, or helping a school in your own backyard, the key is to find a project that creates synergy—because those are the ventures that add real value. The luxurious hotel stay, the status handbag, the exclusive watch—all are imbued with special meaning that makes them far more valuable. 37 的午餐休息時間,讓僱員可以與家人相聚,振奮精神;僱員的薪酬水準也 比其它設計公司更高。他說:『我希望將尊嚴重新帶回這個行業,因為它 對我們的經濟和傳統有重要的內在價值。我們在堅守一種傳統,這種傳 統讓我們在業界居於獨特地位,我們僱員值得因此受到尊重。』 時裝機構日漸發現,他們有獨特的潛力成為藝術界的重要推手。例 如目前世界最大奢侈品牌家族 L ou is Vu it ton Moët Hen nessy集團, 2014 年在巴黎建立的路易威登基金會,一躍成為歐洲當代文化的重要地標之 一。由Fra n k G ehr y設計的玻璃建築宏偉大氣,既是配套設施先進的公 共空間,亦是當今巴黎最出色的博物館之一。LV M H旗下品牌在這裡舉 行過各種時裝秀、K a nye West演唱會和鋼琴家 Evgeny K issi n的音樂會 等等, 1993年P rada文化藝術基金會(Fonda zione P rada)在米蘭成立,過 去二十年間舉辦過無數場藝術展覽和演出, 2014年在 P rada全球總部開 設的永久藝術空間更被評為意大利最重要的現代藝術博物館之一。卡地 亞基金會Ca r t ier pour l'A r t Contempora i n在19 8 4年創立,多年來一直 為當代藝術提供展覽和演出場地。 支持創意新生力量,對奢侈品牌來說同樣重要。2013年LV M H集團 設立了面向新興時裝設計師的LV M H獎,得獎者包括設計的希望之星 T homas Ta it, Si mon Por te Jacquemus, 以及M a rques'A l meida的聯合創 始人M a r t a M a rques和 Pau lo A l meida,每年的冠軍都能獲得30萬歐元 獎金。據 LV M H總監兼執行副總裁 Delph i ne A r nau lt介紹:『LV M H年 度時裝設計師獎的獲得者還能跟隨 LV M H的專業人士進行為期一年的 培訓。這將有助於他們將來發展自己的公司。』這些投入對品牌來說物 有所值,並且非常重要。A r nault說:『我們決定設立這個獎項,是因為創 造力一直是 LV M H的核心。我們受熱情所驅使,更受責任感所驅使,去 持續發掘年輕設計師人才,並幫助他們發展壯大。』 奢侈品牌深知他們需要擔負的普世責任不僅限於時尚界,對全球貧 困人口也同樣負有責任。高級定制鐘錶品牌I WC每年都會發行特別系 列,銷售所得用於支持世界各地的兒童慈善機構。 而卡地亞則於2012 年創建卡地亞慈善基金會,在基金會主席 Pasca le de la Frégon n ière 的推動下,致力於支持全球弱勢群體,尤其是婦女群體。Pasca le de la Frégonnière曾經是聯合國兒童基金會法國委員會的籌款領袖,主持過的 項目包括2015年尼泊爾地震緊急援助,向秘魯咖啡農民提供小額貸款支 援,提升塞內加爾和世界其他貧困地區的醫療保健服務等。 無論是為藝術界新星提供世界級的展覽空間,資助新生創意人才抑 或只是簡單地幫助自家後院附近的學校,關鍵都是找到能引起各方認可 和共鳴的項目,才是真正有價值的慈善之舉。奢華的酒店住宿,貴重的手 袋,限量版的手錶,這些奢侈品背後都傾注了慈善的意義,正是這些獨 特的意義,為奢侈品帶來了更高價值。

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