Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!
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Banking products provided by Wintrust Financial Corp. banks. Wintrust Community Bank received the highest numerical score among retail banks in the Midwest in the J.D. Power 2017 Retail Banking Satisfaction Study, based on 78,886 total responses from 19 companies measuring experiences and perceptions of customers, surveyed April 2016-February 2017. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com We get satisfaction when a client is grateful that we've walked through every solution to find the perfect account. Or, when we send a kid we've known since she was a Junior Saver off to college with Student Checking. We love stepping into a business that used our lending tool to get off the ground. Nothing feels better than being recognized for your work, and we feel that satisfaction every time we help a happy customer. For us, that's recognition enough. But, we have to say, it feels pretty good to make it official: being awarded highest in customer satisfaction is an acknowledgment that we're doing something right by prioritizing our customers, communities and local businesses and providing the highest level of service. Thank you to every customer who trusts us to be your bank and counts on us to guide you towards the right financial decisions. We wouldn't be here without you. w w w.w i n t r u s t . co m C H I C AG O'S BA N K S® WE'RE PROUD TO BRING IT HOME. As a company made in this area, for this area, Wintrust and its family of true community banks is dedicated to the unique neighborhoods each serves. For 25 years, we've been banks that invest in, give back to, and get to really know our communities and the people living in them. When you bank with a Wintrust Community Bank, you can be confident your money is going back into the things that matter most to you. W i n t r u s t Co m m u n i t y B a n k s ra n ke d " H i g h e s t i n C u s to m e r S at i s fac t i o n w i t h R e t a i l B a n k i n g i n t h e M i d we s t ." H I G H E S T I N C U S TO M E R S AT I S FAC T I O N