ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2017 - Issue 2 - Late Spring - Cher

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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VEGASMAGAZINE.COM  35 INVITED PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF ERIK KABIK/ERIKKABIK.COM WATER WORKS ONE NIGHT FOR ONE DROP, THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS ANNUAL CHARITABLE EVENT IN LAS VEGAS, MARKS FIVE YEARS. One of the charms of the annual, one-night-only performance of One Night for One Drop, imagined by Cirque du Soleil as a benefit for critical worldwide water issues: its wacky cast combos. This year's performance was no exception, with Grammy-nominated rapper Redfoo from Party Rock Crew playing the role of the Voice of Reason, and 13-year-old America's Got Talent winner Grace VanderWaal playing a winsome circus poodle-wrangler. Having lost her dog, she takes out her ukulele and sings her original "Light The Sky." The show follows the story of an abusive ringmaster (Humanity) forced to look back at his own abuses of his assistant (the Earth) and ask for a redo. Fittingly, VanderWaal, the Tenors, Shatner, and Redfoo ended the show linking arms for a rousing can-can dance to a singalong number called "Screw It—We're Moving to Mars." Redfoo and Grace VanderWaal do a final jig for the crowd.

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