ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2017 - Issue 2 - Late Spring - Cher

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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PHOTOGRAPHY BY IGOR LINK/SHUTTERSTOCK (I DO); ERIK KABIK (EVENTS); HOBITNJAK/SHUTTERSTOCK (BEAUTY) VEGAS WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS TO BOOK RIGHT NOW These local shutterbugs are pros when it comes to capturing your special day. VEGAS TASTEMAKERS SHARE THEIR MUST-HAVE SPRING BEAUTY Discover can't-miss products from notable locals. at We have the inside scoop on Las Vegas's best parties, pursuits, and more. JOIN US ONLINE SEE THE LATEST FROM LAST NIGHT'S EVENTS Couldn't attend? Browse the newest photos from Las Vegas's most exclusive parties. events beauty i do #VegasMag COME FOLLOW US The Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino proudly announces the opening of the award-winning Serenity Spa, the number one rated spa in Utah. Enjoy world-class massages, facials, body treatments, nail services and more! Open Daily 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. Located on the 3rd floor To book a reservation please call 702.732.5648

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