sought-after aspect of his
illustrations. "That relationship is
really interesting," says Garza.
"Throughout the 1950s, all of his
collaborators are either men that
he's romantically involved with,
or his mother."
5. 1960s screen TesTs: The
1960s section of the exhibit
includes Warhol's Factory screen
tests of the era's poets, authors,
and playwrights. "From a very
early age he was taken by
authors. Celebrity is such an
important notion with Warhol,
and his first understanding of
celebrity came via books," says
October 16–January 29,
Boulevard and Congress
Avenue, 512-471-5482;
Among the more than 250 items in the new "Warhol by the Book" exhibit at
the Blanton: (clockwise from left) Illustration (Sam, from "25 Cats Named
Sam and One Blue Pussy"), circa 1954; A Gold Book, 1957; Andy Warhol's
Exposures, first printing, 1979; "In the Bottom of My Garden," circa 1956.
"Celebrity is suCh an important
notion with warhol,
and his
first understanding of
Celebrity Came via books."
—evan garza, blanton museum curator