ML - Michigan Avenue

Michigan Avenue - 2015 - Issue 8 - Winter - Sandra Lee

Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!

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michigan avenue™ 2015, issue 8 sandra lee winter niche media holdings, llc EMMY WINNER, UNICEF FoUNdINg boaRd MEMbER & MIdWEST NaTIVE SaNdRa LEE SHaRES HER NEW PaSSIoN FoR CaNCER aCTIVISM Painted Pink ChiCago SpiCe 3 hot new latino restaurants viva 4 8 hourS! ultimate weekends across the us holiday MagiC From The NuTcracker to new Year's eve Plus anthonY rizzo dolce & gabbana PoP goes the mca! ExclusivE!

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