ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2015 - Issue 7 - November - Natalie Dormer

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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PhotograPhy by Lydia Cutter PhotograPhy (LittLe interior) profile Little Things InterIor desIgner debraé little wants to look In your closet.   by t.r. witcher It's not every InterIor designer who goes through her clients' closets for i nspi rat ion. But for for mer Hol ly wood costume-designer-turned-interior designer Debraé Little, it's all part of "using that as a measure to defne their personality and their personal style." Even as she was overseeing costumes on Martin Lawrence comedies, and Penn & Teller's show at the Rio, clients and friends were admir- ing an obvious talent that Little was exercising personally, but not professionally: a fair for interior design, specifcally in her own home. So, eight years ago, she says, it was time "to expand my creative outlet." In 2007, the self-taught designer and her husband relocated to Las Vegas, where she worked for a small design frm—one of whose clients was (then-future) Hakkasan CEO Neil Mofftt. When Little formed her own frm, Debraé Little Interiors, Mofftt came on board for a complete redesign of his home (shown above). Turning from costume design to interiors wasn't such a stretch for Little. Both, she says, involve "lighting, color, texture, the fow or the feel of the fabric. It's the same principles of construction.... and how fabrics work under different lighting conditions." When clients are mixing colors or textures in their wardrobe, for instance, Little knows she has a license to be similarly bold with her designs. 702-407-5161;  V The Jordan desk from Vanguard Furniture ($4,077) is elegantly thin, yet somehow rugged, with its part-elm body and bronze metal legs. This desk commands its own corner of the room with quiet confdence. Urban Chic, 4845 W. Nevso Dr., 702-364-2442; THE CORNER OFFICE Sure, we're spending more time indoors now that the temperature is dropping into the (gasp!) 50s, but there's no law that says you can't bring the outdoors inside with you. Shed some light on your situation with the Twig pendant chandelier from Global Views ($4,997.50). It features handcrafted brass twigs with a base in either bronze or nickel. The frosted-glass diffuser gives the four 75-watt lightbulbs a tempered quality (and there are some great natural-light bulb options out there these days). Las Vegas Market, 495 S. Grand Central Pkwy.,  702-868-8439;   oh, natural Branching Out conversation piece wood you r ather... The Phillips Collection has a variety of Mahoni wood sculptures in its catalog, but none may be as stun- ning as this 17-pound piece ($600). What is it? A tree in a yoga pose? The bones of a prehistoric creature? It looks as old as the mountains that ring Las Vegas, and will surely create as much wonder. Las Vegas Market, 495 S. Grand Central Pkwy., 336-884-9261; phillips 108 HAUTE PROPERTY Spotlight

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