opposite page: Overcoat ($1,690)
and wedge brogues ($795),
Sportmax. Max Mara, 69
Newbury St., 617-267-9775;
maxmara.com. Shirt (price on
request) and skirt (price on
request), Salvatore Ferragamo.
Copley Place, 617-859-4924;
ferragamo.com. Pants, Vince
71 Newbury St.,
617-279-0659; vince.com
this page: Coat, Dior ($8,800).
Copley Place, 617-266-4628;
dior.com. Top, Hermès ($1,525).
The Heritage on The Garden,
617-482-8707; hermes.com.
Pants, Edun ($1,695). Neiman
Marcus, Copley Place, 617-536-
3660; neimanmarcus.com. Belt,
Salvatore Ferragamo (price on
request). see above