Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas
Issue link: http://digital.greengale.com/i/498649
left: Golden Flower restaurant. "The chrysanthemum has always been used to great efect in Chinese art," says Roger Thomas. "Some of my favorite paintings in Chinese art history are chrysanthemums." above: The Wynn Club Lobby. explains, listing roses, hydrangeas, and peonies as some of the fresh flowers populating the Wynn Club Lobby. "We always want the very best flowers that are growing at the moment, so we focus on a vocabulary of color that takes into account the differ- ent times of year when different kinds of flowers are available. That means our floral designs are going to be changing with the seasons and appropriate to the season, so as guests return, they get a different garden-of-the-season look." Flowers invigorate a living space, serving as the vibrant, invit- ing soul of a room's design. "I think when we walk into a room with something already living in it—be it flowers, animal, plant, or person—the room already has life," Thomas says. "It's a more receptive, more beckoning place to be. We immediately relate to the room, not as just a combination of exquisite fabrics and marbles and woods and beautiful silhouettes and lines and imag- ination, but as a living place." Currently Wynn's flower experts are applying their passion to their next project, Wynn Palace at Cotai, Macau. Floral industry superstars like Jeff Leatham and Preston Bailey have been enlisted to collaborate with Wynn Design and Development and Floral Director Jerry Sibal, while Wynn continues to cultivate relationships with top vendors locally and around the world to ensure a steady supply of the very best and widest variety of fresh flowers. But without Steve Wynn, one of floral design's most ardent advocates, the world's top luxury resorts might be a lot less colorful. "He reaches out consistently for the best in entertainment, the best in design, the best in everything," says Thomas, "and always the best in flowers." n 花卉艺术 生气勃勃、欢庆缤纷的花卉让永利澳门的宾客仿佛置身一场正 在进行中的盛宴。 作者: 马特.科勒门(Matt Kelemen) 永利澳门及万利酒店的花艺设计远远超越了装饰的功能。挑选 及装饰五颜六色的植物以及季节性花卉是度假村设计的重要一 环。「我们不只是将它们作为大厅的鲜花布置,」Wynn Design and Development 设计执行副总裁 - Roger Thomas指出, 「我们对于花艺充满热情,它是设计的重点,每开始一个新计 划,我们都会先从花艺设计谈起,每一位永利澳门的花卉工作 人员都有此共识。」 在澳门,包括Roger Thomas、花卉总监Meibo Woo及Samantha Tang以及史提芬.永利(Steve Wynn) 本人都十分推崇花卉艺 术。 「关于花卉的讨论永远是初始概念的一部份。」Thomas解释。 「规模对我们想追求的花艺表现极为重要,所以这也一定会包 含在花卉的构想中。另外,我们所设计的花艺呈现气势宏大的 规模,所以我们必须构想出前所未有的表现方式。不管是壮观 还是温馨,从餐厅到客房,花卉艺术在永利澳门及万利处处可 见。走进永利会的大堂,迎接宾客的是接待处后面永利团队 所营造一整片花墙。设计以雕塑的形式展现,色彩的采用反映 了永利设计喜爱的明亮橙色、柠檬绿色、紫粉红色、长春花蓝 色,藉此营造出欢庆感,让宾客到达时有一种置身于盛宴般的 感觉。」Thomas表示。 「我们在墙壁装嵌了玻璃 并用了六个月时间构想出如何把鲜花 放置到墙壁中并表现出其原有的线条和形状。」Thomas解释, 「我们想采用当季最好的花材,所以我们着重于颜色的配搭, 考虑到一年中不同时节可取得的不同花材的色彩选择。因此, 花艺的设计会随着季节更替散发当季的气息,当宾客再次光 临,他们便会感受到像花园般不同季节的景致。」 鲜花为生活空间增添了活力,让空间设计生气勃勃、宾至如 归。「当我们走进一间房间,如果房间内有鲜花、动物、植物 或人,房间本身就已经有了生命。」Thomas表示。「这是一个 更具包容性和归属感的地方,我们会立即与房间产生关联感, 不只是精致的布料、大理石、木材,也不只是美丽的轮廓、线 条或想像,而是一个居住空间。」 目前永利的花卉专家正在为他们下一个新项目 - 澳门路氹的永 利皇宫倾注热情。花艺界的超级巨星如Jeff Leatham及Preston Bailey已被邀与Wynn Design and Development以及花艺总监 Jerry Sibal合作,同时永利也不断与本地及世界各地最优秀的 供应商建立合作关系,以确保品质最佳而种类繁多的鲜花能供 应稳定。但如果缺少了热衷倡导花艺设计的史提芬.永利,这 座世界顶级奢华度假村可能失色不少。「他总是不断寻求所有 最好的,如娱乐、设计,」Thomas说,「当然还包括最好的花 卉。」 图解: 左: 京花轩。 Roger Thomas表示「菊花在中国艺术里扮演着重 要的角色,有些我最喜爱的中国历代画作便是采用了菊花 作主题。」 上 : 永利会大堂 Wynn 73