ML - Vegas Magazine

2013 - Issue 1 - Winter

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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S uperlatives PEOPLE, CULTURE, STYLE POWER STRIP makeover madness PALMS PRESIDENT JOE MAGLIARDITI IS REBRANDING THE HOTEL INTO A SOPHISTICATED RESORT FOLLOWING A DECADE OF APPEALING TO A YOUNGER CROWD. BY LISA ARCELLA PHOTOGRAPHY BY BRYAN HAINER J oe Magliarditi's favorite word must be transformation. The notion of taking one space and recreating it seems to permeate every aspect of his life. Even his modest office in the original Palms hotel tower was once a conference room—now it's a utilitarian space where he can both work and call impromptu meetings with the team he has installed to help create a $50 million (and counting) makeover of the casino resort once synonymous with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. The hotel's 3,000-square-foot Real World Suite was even named for the young cast of the MTV show that filmed there in 2002. Magliarditi says that while he certainly isn't abandoning that demographic, he is looking to expand the hotel's appeal, which for the past year has been going under renovations from the ground up, with the first phase set to be mostly completed by the end of January. "The Palms is a brand that captured pop culture back when it really wasn't going on much in this town," says the resort's 43-year-old president. "The celebrities, the musicians…. it all started here. We were all 21 at one time, but our tastes change, our discretions change. As you grow up and mature in life, things change. I think what happened with the property is that we stayed 34 VEGASMAGAZINE.COM 034-035_V_SP_PowerStrip_Win13.indd 34 1/2/13 3:14 PM

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